Victorinox Swiss Army Spartan Silver Tech Multi-Tool Pocket Knife (3.58 Inch | 91mm Closed) Translucent Silver Handle 1.3603.T7-X2 (Old Sku 54753)

SKU: VN13603T7X2
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Victorinox Swiss Army 54753 Spartan Silver Tech. The "Officer's Knife" in its purest form. The Victorinox Spartan knife includes useful implements such as blades and bottle openers, has a lifetime warranty and has unmatched quality and functionality. Not only does this Swiss Army Knife have all of the basic features, but it has a cork screw and bottle opener feature which is an added bonus.


  1. Large blade
  2. Small blade
  3. Corkscrew
  4. Cap lifter
  5. Screwdriver
  6. Wire stripper
  7. Reamer
  8. Key ring inox
  9. Tweezers
  10. Toothpick
