Victorinox Swiss Army Tourist Multi-Tool Knife (3.25 Inches Closed) Red Handle 0.3603-033-X1 (Old Sku 53131)

SKU: VN03603033X1
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Victorinox Swiss Army 0.3603-033-X1 Tourist Red. The 3 1/4 inch Tourist knife multi-tool includes all of the tools needed for those on the go. Equipped with popular implements like two blades, bottle opener and reamer, the Tourist is a traveler's best friend. All Swiss Army Knives carry a lifetime warranty, stainless steel implements and unsurpassed Swiss-made quality and functionality.


  1. Large blade
  2. Small blade
  3. Corkscrew
  4. Cap lifter
  5. Screwdriver
  6. Wire stripper
  7. Reamer
  8. Key ring inox
  9. Tweezers
  10. Toothpick
