In July 1942, the legendary Devil's Brigade emerged, formally known as the 1st Special Service Force, uniting American and Canadian soldiers for specialized operations behind enemy lines during World War II. Renowned for their daring night missions, where faces were blackened for stealth, they earned the feared moniker "Black Devils" from the German Armed Forces, showcasing the profound respect their adversaries held for this elite unit. Operating extensively in Italy and France from 1943 to 1944, the 1st SSF played a pivotal role in critical wartime scenarios. Central to their arsenal was the iconic V-42 combat knife, featuring a distinctive design with a leather-wrapped handle and a tapered striking piece for close combat encounters. Crafted from SK85 carbon steel, the double-edged blade, adorned with the emblem of the US Army's Special Forces, remains a symbol of their legacy. Boker's offering includes this esteemed collector's item, complete with a traditional leather sheath, the unit's iconic red spearhead insignia, and a reproduction of the original German-language sticker used for psychological warfare behind enemy lines. This military-historical ensemble stands as a testament to the bravery and ingenuity of the Devil's Brigade, a treasure for collectors and enthusiasts alike.
Previously marketed as 02BO047, 02BO1942.