Cold Steel 92DD Delta Dart Plastic Knife (3.5 Inch Grivory Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Blade) Grivory Handle

MANUFACTURER: Cold Steel Knives

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Cold Steel 92DD Delta Dart Kubotan Spike.

The Delta Dart is a 100% non-metallic tri-edged weapon based upon the deadly commando nails from the SOE era.  The Delta Dart is excellent for concealed carry as a covert neck knife, a sleeve dagger, a boot knife or simply carry it hidden inside the waistband in the optional IWB sheath.

Black as a moonless night, silent as the grave... these are the qualities that make up our new lightweight Nightshade™ series. Most are detailed reproductions of existing Cold Steel favorites and some are new designs representing the newest trends in high-tech, covert construction. Made from Grivory™-- the latest in fiberglass reinforced plastic, and stronger than even the super tough Zy-Ex we have used in earlier models-- they are UV and heat stabilized, making them impervious to the elements.

One of the most unique features of these knives is their handles. They are made from deeply checkered Kraton that has been molded directly to the blade tangs. The use of Kraton in knife handles is a Cold Steel innovation that dates back to the early 1980's. It has been readily copied by most of our competitors because it offers a superior, slightly tacky gripping surface that is unaffected by heat, cold, or moisture. It never rusts, warps, cracks or splits even in the most extreme environments.

Our Nightshade™ knives are light enough to be tied, tucked, or taped just about anywhere on one's person. And, since they are impervious to heat, cold, moisture and extreme weather they are a natural to hide both inside and outside your house. They can be hidden virtually everywhere from the hedges and flowerpots in your yard, to the refrigerator, bookshelves, and closets in your house. Keep one in every room of the house, from the laundry room to the bathroom shower! With violent home invasions on the rise a strategically placed Nightshade™ could save the day, and even your life.

The Cold Steel Delta Dart kubaton is 8 inches long and 1/2 inch in diameter, yet it weighs only 7/10 of an ounce! The comfortable handle is knurled for a positive grip and the butt is smooth and rounded, so it's perfect for both thumb and palm reinforced grip positions.

Like the CAT Tanto, the Cold Steel Delta Dart is made from extremely hard 43% glass-filled Zytel. This is the highest glass to nylon ratio available so the point is tougher, lasts longer and is easily re-sharpened with a nail file.

The Cold Steel Delta Dart can be taped, tied or tucked away just about anywhere, and since it's also invisible to metal screening devices, it can easily pass unnoticed through security checks. To complement its covert nature, the Cold Steel Delta Dart is totally "Sterile" with no markings to indicate its point of origin.  Not only is the Delta Dart and excellent self-defense spike but it also does double-duty with our military personel as a lightweight, strong and inexpensive mine probe.

Sheath Options: Delta Darts are sold standard without a sheath but we have several custom, 100% Non-Metallic, sheath options so you can choose the sheath that is perfect for you:

  • Sheath Option 1 - Completely non-metallic, SecureEx neck sheath with bead chain for the Cold Steel Delta Dart.
  • Sheath Option 2 - Handmade leather sheath that can be carried either vertically or horizontally on the belt and may also be used as a neck sheath when you rig a neck lanyard to the sheath.
  • Sheath Option 3 - Handmade leather sheath designed for inside the waist band (IWB) carry.
  • Sheath Option 4 - Slim, elastic nylon sheath designed to be worn either vertically on the belt or as a neck sheath when you rig a neck lanyard to the sheath.

If you want the sheath then please select the sheath option above when placing your order.

Cold Steel Knives - 92DD Specifications:

  • Overall Length:
    8.00 in.
  • Blade Length:
    3.50 in.
  • Cutting Edge Length:
    3.25 in.
  • Blade Thickness:
    0.30 in.
  • Blade Width:
    0.30 in.
  • Blade Material:
    Grivory Polymer
  • Blade Style:
    Tri-Edge Dagger Spike
  • Blade Grind:
    Flat Ground
  • Blade Finish:
  • Edge Type:
  • Handle Length:
    4.50 in.
  • Handle Width:
    0.50 in.
  • Handle Thickness:
    0.50 in.
  • Handle Material:
    Grivory Polymer
  • Handle Color:
  • Weight:
    0.70 oz.
  • Sheath:
    Optional Neck Sheath-Sold Separately
  • Knife Type:
    Fixed Blade
  • Brand:
    Cold Steel
  • Model:
    Delta Dart
  • Model Number:
  • Best Use:
  • Product Type:
    Non-Detectable Weapon
  • Country of Origin:
  • UPC:

Legal Notice. If you are not sure about the legality of any item for sale on our website, you MUST contact your local District Attorney's Office and ask them if you can carry or own suspected items in your state. Many states allow you to own suspected items but not carry them. Suspected items are not to be used as weapons or to cause bodily harm or damage to personal property in any way. It’s YOUR responsibility to know the law before you order. It’s the responsibility of the buyer, NOT THE SELLER, to ascertain, and obey, all applicable local, state, federal and international laws in regard to the possession and use of any item on this site - we cannot possibly keep track of over 40,000 weapons control laws. All equipment is sold subject to public law 90-351, title III, U.S.D., Section 2511, and any local, state or federal ordinances. Also, any attempt in entrapment by any law enforcement agency will be met with swift legal action. Oso Grande Knives will not be held liable for the misuse of any product listed on this website. For International Orders, please check with your local county and country officials or law enforcement to see if legal in your area, it is YOUR responsibility to know your laws before ordering. By purchasing any item from our site - the buyer warrants compliance with all local, state, federal and international law, and that the buyer is legally able to purchase such items from our website or catalog. Oso Grande Knives disclaims any and all liability related to improper, illegal, unintended use or modification of weapons sold through our website. The purchaser, user or participant assumes all risk of injury from any use.

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Ronald Wickerd on 03/12/2024 11:51am
My absolute favorite shank style weapon is the VZ Daggers G10 Pencil, it is a fantastic non-detectable and clandestine weapon. My close second choice is the Cold Steel Delta Dart which is also fantastic. I choose the Delta Dart over the G10 Pencil because of the price (it is significantly less expensive) and because of the awesome optional neck sheath. With either one you will be happy. Shipping by OGK was fast and efficient.
Mark S on 11/07/2023 01:12pm
Grivory is a great concept. I added the knife to my collection. It is sharp so be careful handling it.
Colin Brisbane on 02/01/2023 01:17pm
Just having this tool makes me feel more confident out in the world. Self-defense use only!
Daniel S. on 12/13/2022 10:11am
It is sturdy. Tough. Pointy. Edges are not very sharp. But if you need a sturdy, tough, pointy, non-metallic, spiky thing, this may be the one you want.
Zachary H on 11/29/2022 04:26pm
Don%u2019t walk through a metal detector with this! They won%u2019t find it. All you have to do is take off the metal ring. Left your gun in the car and now feel vulnerable? Level the playing field with this handy tool that might help you later.
Jason Anderson on 02/22/2022 12:07pm
Concerts and other events where metal detectors are being used have always left me feeling unprotecting. Now I just bring the Dart along.
Randy M on 01/12/2022 09:26am
I got three of these darts. They are good stiff, strong and very sharp tipped spikes. I will use them for last option self defense purposes. I also got the optional sheaths. Shipping was fast.
Ingrid H on 11/18/2021 02:15pm
Good purchase! I followed the advice of another reviewer and I filed a little groove at the blade handle juncture so that I could snap the dart in half after using it. This will definitely stop or slow down an attacker as the broken off blade will be inside them and they will not be able to pull it out and use it on me.
Tina on 09/30/2021 10:31am
Pretty wicked weapon. Made of plastic, my metal detector didnt pick it up at all. Longer than you would think, I would say about 10 or 11 inches long. I have one in my briefcase at work in case anything goes down. Definitely worth buying.
Clay E on 09/28/2021 05:27pm
Last ditch Self-defense weapon. It has a very sharp tip and very little flex, if any. Can be deadly if you know where to stick it. I consider this to be a single-use item. Use it and leave it inside the attacker or ditch it in a dumpster and run. The price is good and shipping was fast.
Chris Wolf on 09/21/2021 03:51pm
Overall worth the money.
-Comfy grip, not letting go when in combat
-Sharp spike, and is triangular specifically for creating wounds
-looks menacing and would scare away attackers

-made of plastic, but it was designed to pass thru X-Ray detection so I can't complain
-wishing the sheath didn't have to be purchased separately. A killer spike needs to be safely carried.
-has a metal ring attached. Just snip it off and its undetectable

Overall, Im satisfied with my purchase.
Jack on 11/13/2018 05:40pm
Excellent knife easy enough to conceal and carry just remove the steel ring. Very sharp 3 1/2" blade, all hard plastic with a good gripped handle. Well worth the price.a deal!
Dean Nygaard on 06/07/2018 10:03am
Cold steel Quality, I've had some really good experiences with cold steel, I like the plastic self defense pieces cold steel offers. I have a push knife and these and I really like the delta darts. I thought they were smaller than they are, I was thinking they were about the size of a pen, when actually they are like the size of a sharpie or one of those extra large wooden pencils for little kids. The rings are easily removed. This is a high quality item.
Dave Woodson on 03/28/2018 09:18am
These are not metal but a very hard plastic that will make a nice puncture wound on soft targets. It isn't my first choice as a defensive weapon but as a last resort. put it in the right place and it will be effective. I remember these from long ago when they used to sell them as a way to be armed when going through metal detectors. Obviously they have since added a soldered metal ring to comply with laws prohibiting certain weapons. I snipped the ring off.
Andrew H. on 09/14/2017 08:03am
It'll do what it's designed to do for sure. It's got a sharp point and edges. I would say you'd have no problems injuring anything. It's cheap and worth the price to put it in your bug out bag or glove box.
Maury G. on 08/09/2017 03:21pm
I've seen some really poorly made plastic knives for self defense. This is not one of those. This is really solidly made. The material is not standard plastic--it has glass in it so it is super hard. It is a simple design and definitely one of the best last resort self defense weapons one could have at a price that is almost as good as free. Shipping was fast.
Chad Nichols on 05/01/2017 11:35am
Great, inexpensive, non-detectable, last resort self-defense knife that is also not to much to throw away if you need to ditch it.
Pete G. on 07/28/2016 10:55am
This is a great last ditch self defense weapon. what more is there to say. Cold Steel makes a great product and this one is the right tool for the job.
Kyle Chissom on 08/30/2015 10:08am
This is a great weapon especially if you get the sheath that hangs around your neck.
If you watch the videos on U-Tube this thing is really that tough.
C Reed on 05/21/2015 11:31am
The Delta Dart is a plastic shank, designed for stabbing, period. It does this very, very well. Its sharp point and triangular shape give it a lot of strength and piercing power. And, unlike a typical steel knife, you are unlikely to mess up your own hand if your adrenalized stabbing action results in sliding up the blade. This is not a small thing.

I carry one for defense against dogs and other unreasonable animals. It's light enough to be ignored most of the time. And if I do wander through the occasional metal detector, I don't have a problem: There's a metal ring on the end of the dart when it arrives, but that is easily removed.

Don't expect it to do anything else. It's not a knife, it's not a throwing weapon. It's a last-resort stabby thing. At that, it excels.
H Garland on 07/22/2014 10:12am
It is what it is.. a non metallic stabbing weapon.. the tri bladed design is no doubt inspired by the spike bayonet which causes a threeway cut wound which does not close like a flat blades puncture wound. lightweight and easy to carry concealed as a backup weapon.
Steve Jones on 04/20/2014 11:17am
I keep this in my bag as a backup to my regular carry knife. It is polymer so it does not have the most durable edge and it is a little long.
Andrew Klein on 05/25/2012 01:40pm
The Delta Dart is great for covert personal defense. Remove the steel loop. Then there's no detectable metal. Though "plastic", you can puncture through hollow core doors with enough force.

I have several of these and have filed grooves at the base of the triangular blade so that if I ever need to stick it in someone I can break it off easier leaving the tip inside them with no easy way for them to get it out.
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I have to say that despite trepidations of ordering online, my transaction with Oso Grande was absolutely flawless. I emailed Oso Grande about a knife availability and promptly got a response within hours. I proceeded to call and place my order over the phone. A follow up "thank you" email and tracking email was sent to me straight away and the knife, a Spyderco Delica 4 Titanium/Damascus showed up perfectly. Overall, I would be happy to recommend and order from Oso Grande again.
--Howard - Atlanta, GA

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