Razor Blades

If you're shopping for replacement safety razor blades you've come to the right place. Oso Grande stocks double-edge razor blades, injector blade cartridges and twin blade cartridges for Merkur, Feather, Gillette, Dovo of Solingen, Wilkinson, Derby, Colonel Conk, Silver Star, Rainbow, Artist Club, Racer, Bluebird, Lord, Sharp, 7AM and Personna Razors.
I just received my awesome order, these are very nice. And a great price, I appreciate the email letting me know my order was shipped. You are obviously a very professional organization and I think that is very important. You will definitely be getting return business from me and everyone I tell about you. Thanks so much, Oso Grand, your name says it all. My new knife company. Thank you again!
--Lee P. - Bloomington, MI
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