Epiphany Outdoor Gear V3-Pocket Bellows Collapsible Fire Bellowing Stoker Tool EOGV301B
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EOGV301B: V3-Pocket Bellows Collapsible Fire Bellowing Tool
Epiphany Outdoor Gear
Stoke the fire! Oxygen is nature's gasoline and also the key to wet weather fire starting. The lightweight, collapsible fire bellowing tool, the Pocket Bellows, compresses and focuses oxygen directly into the heart of a fire. The byproduct of this extra oxygen is extra heat which is the key to starting a fire with soaking wet fuels in wet conditions. The V3-Pocket Bellows is packed in compact water resistant carrying case.
- EOGV301B Specifications:
- Extends to 20 inches
- Collapses to 3.5 inches
- Works on Wet or Dry Firewood
- Gives distance and keeps your face away from the fire when adding oxygen
- Compresses and pin-point focuses oxygen directly into a fire
- Helps regulate coal temperatures when cooking
- Extends 2 feet and collapses to 6 inches for easy stowing
- Tinder and lighter sold separately
- Made of durable, high-quality aluminum
- Weight:0.4 oz. (10g)
- Brand:Epiphany Outdoor Gear
- Model Name:V3-Pocket Bellows
- Model No.:EOGV301B
- UPC:799928883207
- Made in USA
Very pleased with my purchase. An absolute reputable site to purchase authentic knives. I received mine very quickly with no hassle and on top of that, the people were very pleasant and helpful. I had an issue with a promo code and I sent in an email and got a response within less than 24 hours. They were very polite and accommodating. I would definitely make another purchase from this website!
--Nicole L - Port Jefferson Station, NY
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