Knife Sheaths-Pouches
At Oso Grande, you'll find a knife sheath for virtually every style of blade, all manufactured to the highest quality standards. Whether you're looking for a simple belt-loop knife sheath, tactical horizontal carry knife sheath, IWB knife sheath or an all-purpose accessory pouch to carry extra magazines, a flashlight, and your cell phone, Oso Grande is your source. Protect yourself and your knife with a top-quality knife sheath.
I have to say that despite trepidations of ordering online, my transaction with Oso Grande was absolutely flawless. I emailed Oso Grande about a knife availability and promptly got a response within hours. I proceeded to call and place my order over the phone. A follow up "thank you" email and tracking email was sent to me straight away and the knife, a Spyderco Delica 4 Titanium/Damascus showed up perfectly. Overall, I would be happy to recommend and order from Oso Grande again.
--Howard - Atlanta, GA
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