Fixed Blade Camp Knives

When you are out there in the wilderness, hiking, backpacking or on a long camping trip, one of the most useful tools you can have on hand is a trusty camp knife. A camping knife is essentially a "do-it-all survival knife" that should last a lifetime. We have over 200 different fixed blade camp knives for you to choose from. To help you select one that will meet your needs and preferences we've provided you with detail product descriptions and specs as well customer reviews of camp knives. Knowing what the knife is designed for is a real time saver. Go ahead, shop with confidence for the perfect camp knife.
Thanks for such great service before AND during the sale. Y'all had a great attitude when I was asking a dozen questions and although I know and respect that your time is money I never felt hurried. It was like I was your only customer. You have won me as a life long customer even if you're in CA ;) I've got to get going but I wanted to let you know that the folks I worked with were all great and a definite asset to the company. Treat them right, retain them, and the rest will just fall in place.
--Ale - Austin, TX
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