Customer Service

Customer Service

When you place an order on line at, you will receive an immediate email confirmation and receipt. We will send another email when we ship your order which is usually within 1 business day. You can use the information on this email to track your order all the way from our warehouse to your door. If you call in your orders, ask us for the order number and you can later use it for tracking.

If you need to speak with a customer service representative, please call 888-676-6050 or email us.

Orders can be placed by phone or on-line at!

Ordering Methods:

Phone Order Hotline (888)676-6050: This is the fastest way to have your order processed. Our lines are open from 9AM-5PM PST Monday-Thursday and from 8:00AM-12PM Friday. Please have your order ready when you call! When ordering, please state the quantity desired and then the model numbers as they appear on our price list. This is very important and will help us process your order quickly and accurately.

Information Hotline (888)676-6050: If you need questions answered before you place your order, you may call us for the latest information and product status.

Web Orders and Email: Place orders Online using Oso Grande's fully secure shopping cart system or ask questions and/or order special items which are not listed in our website at: [email protected].

Se Habla Espanol: Oso Grande servicio en Espanol.

Great prices, hugh selection of knives and super quick shipment. Oso provided me with a printed invoice and emailed me my shipment tracking number. They really seem to be a first class operation. I will definitely be buying from them again!
--Kevin - Customer via

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